So some of her good friends gathered around her and threw her a Mother's Blessing. (aka. Blessingway) It was one of the coolest evenings I have ever experienced! Here is a brief recap of the night in seven {Awesome} quick takes!
And thank you Sharon for letting me use your photos!! :)
The night started with amazing food and great conversation. Our favorite wine sommelier (everyone needs one of these in your friends group!) poured up some awesome wine and we started the night off right.2.
Knowing Sharon would love it, we hired a Henna artist to paint a tattoo on Sharon's belly.You guys. I am not exactly the type to show my bare belly during pregnancy, but I would seriously consider getting a Henna tattoo next time I'm pregnant. It is just so beautiful!!!!
After we ate, we went outside to this amazing set-up:
We then each lit a candle that we had brought and went around the circle offering encouragement and our favorite things we love about Sharon.
Then we each took a rock and wrote a word on it that we wanted to offer Sharon to think about, or know that we were praying for while she is in labor. Strength, peace, grace, etc...
Throughout the ceremony there were beautiful readings from the Bible as well as from the book shown above, Jesus Calling. Then at the end we did two things - we connected ourselves by one piece of string around our wrists, and then cut it. We will wear it until she goes into labor. Then we laid hands on her and prayed.
At the very end of the night we took home the candle we had lit. We are then going to re-light it when Sharon goes into labor as a reminder for us to think about her and send her positive thoughts and prayers.
You guys, what an amazing night. I highly recommend doing something similar for any mom you know who is about to give birth. It can be done so many different ways depending on what kinds of things the mom likes to do.
It was just such a meaningful night for everyone, and while the night was all about Sharon, it really bonded us as fellow mothers and friends.
It was -- you guessed it -- freaking awesome.
8th bonus and completely shameless take:
I released the 3rd and final part to the Child Development and Identity podcast series today! It is an awesome interview, you have to check it out!!!!In it I interviewed MaryRuth Hackett, a developmental Psychologist and mom of four. In the 3rd part of the series we talk about how to help instill confidence and a healthy self-esteem in our kids. We talk about things like body image, family culture, and the importance of the language we use with our kids.
Check it out! :)
...Ahem. This is part of my current 31 Days of Awesome Kick.